Came to see a full Nicki set.
Keeping warm: The rest of the front row happened to be way more covered up The talented lyricist has been letting loose since arriving in Paris for Fashion Week earlier this week.
She isn't ashamed of her curves and owns them, taking every opportunity to show 'em off.
We know Nicki Minaj has various alter-egos, but we think while she's busy giving herself names she should name her boobs too, given that they always seem so eager to come out and introduce themselves.
It seems to be common amongst child stars to attempt to establish their womanhood by showing off their assets by verging on public indecency; however, we think in this case, Miley's sophistication is at an all-time low.
It was appropriately the first of her collections to globally sell in the multi-platinum reaches and top outline positions.
Description: The two rappers have mostly kept their rivalry in their music.