I want things to be at the next level all the time.
I think folks who have experienced certain things can be a light to others by sharing what they overcame, how they overcame it, and helping the next person not fall into those same pitfalls.
Leia's captivity didn't last long, of course — Luke and Lando came to the rescue, sparking chaos on Jabba's ship.
That album felt like healing.
Whether it be the top of the Billboard charts or the sports world, the Great White North has found a new gear, producing more world-famous talent at a higher rate than ever.
I want to liberate myself and liberate the listener when they hear me.
Leia sensed darkness surrounding Ben, but instead of facing these problems head-on as a person who routinely fought and defeated the dark side in minor and major battles alike, she pinned her hopes on Luke strengthening young Ben's connection with the light side of the Force through training at Luke's new Jedi Academy.
So I made that a song.
Description: Han Solo was frozen in carbonite at the end of Empire Strikes Back and brought to Tatooine, where Leia's plan to rescue him from Jabba's slimy clutches went wrong.