Sippar was one of the first cities to be established by the Gods.
When you look at the Gods from the desert religions Are they there same God? She was worshipped in the Temple at an earlier time - but so what its only important to those who choose to believe stories from the past and live their lives by that belief - doesn't make it true though necessarily and it doesn't prove the existence of daemons who have been remarkable invisible for a very long time? Samyaza is the leader of the Grigoris and there is a section in the Book of Enoch where he says to the other Grigoris they shall be punished by god and Samyaza says as the leader he should be punished alone, but the others Grigoris don't agree because they are a group and shall perish as a group, showing compassion, altruism and companionship.
Although 200 were believed to be these fallen angels, the number 200 may have been mistaken for 200,000.
Description: Azazel is the embodiment and par excellence God of all the arts, prophecy, and deep divine wisdom.