A based on the Shaman King series was produced by in Japan and released in the United States by in 2005..
To conquer Hao, Yoh and his friends must defeat members who are obligated to serve under the new Shaman King.
Two volumes of Shaman King: Zero were released on May 10, 2012 and January 19, 2015 respectively.
Главный герой Йо из рода Асакура, должен стать королём шаманов и предотвратить грядущее бедствие.
The anime is produced by and directed by Joji Furuta, with series composition by , character designs by Satohiko Sano and music composed by.
The new series finale was also posted on the official Kanzen-Ban website, in addition to the print editions.
Description: Музыкальное сопровождение написали Омори Тосиюки и Такахаси Го.