The legislation currently going through Parliament — the Overseas Operations Bill — is all about protecting our military people from vexatious investigations and prosecutions.
A criminal investigation is now under way.
Oliver Scudder claimed he was pressured to run down a corridor lined by fellow soldiers who struck him with punches and kicks.
To project a mortar barrel into the private parts of another human being is sick beyond belief and a degradation that defies comprehension.
Girls were sending more pictures than boys in that same age group: Only 30 per cent of boys aged 13-15 had sent one image to another person and 27 per cent had sent multiple images.
It would be inappropriate to comment further while investigations are ongoing.
Description: If that respect is not at the heart of military life then bullying in training, sexual harassment in the barracks and unwarranted acts of violence against civilians on deployed operations become tolerated, even perhaps the norm.