Isabelle Blais born 1975 is a Canadian actress.
Isabelle Blais Isabelle Blais dancing wildly at a party while drunk as she pulls off her shirt to reveal a red bra and flashes her breasts at the crowd and then removes the bra and dances around topless for quite a while until she collapses fully nude onto the ground all as Marie-Chantal Perron and a guy try and take care of her until suddenly she's seen from above being lifted up fully nude by the crowd as they walk around with her while spinning her body and grabbing her and her breasts giving us a great look at her breasts and bush and then finally slowly lowering her back to the ground in the middle of the group of people..
So hurry up to press play! Isabelle Blais Isabelle Blais seen from above lying on her back fully nude giving us some good looks at her breasts and bush as Félixe Ross and several naked men are seen interchangeably slowly kissing up her body, including one guy who kisses the top of her bush, and then kissing up along her breasts before Félixe lesbian kisses her until Félixe and the guys work their way back down her body all as Isabelle narrates the scene in French.
Description: Isabelle Blais born 1975 is a Canadian actress.