The public realm feels so vital at the moment, as a space to activate ideas and create change.
The plinth of Edward Colston in Bristol seems the right place to share this sculpture about the fight against racism, which is undoubtedly the other virus facing society today.
I wanted to give George Floyd power, I wanted to give power to Black people like me who have suffered injustices and inequality.
No formal consent has been sought for the installation.
This life-sized sculpture is based on an image the artist saw on Instagram of local resident Jen Reid standing on the vacant plinth with her fist raised in a Black Power salute, a spontaneous moment following a Black Lives Matter protest in June 2020.
Those of us who have privilege have a duty to be part of change.
He'll be sentenced in March.
Johns County Sheriff's Office for the cost of the investigation.
Description: Seeing the statue of Edward Colston being thrown into the river felt like a truly historical moment; huge.