I was definitely ugly crying behind my camera.
The first thing I noticed about them as a couple was Coles hight.
When you included Cole and Kristina, there was a total of 20 people in their bridal party! These two were meant to be together.
The way they rest their foreheads together as they pray together, you can tell there is just something special! During the dinner, they asked members of the bridal party to stand up and share a memory of Kristina and Cole.
Kristina and Cole, it was such an honor to photograph your wedding.
When my husband's one heart surgery turned in to a three-year-long battle, it turned everything on its head.
The way she looks up and him with this genuine loving twinkle in her eye.
Description: During the dinner, they asked members of the bridal party to stand up and share a memory of Kristina and Cole.