You're so old that your tax file number is 1.
Yo mamas so fat she needs cheat codes for Wii fit Yo momma so fat she broke her leg and gravy poured out Yo momma so fat, the only thing stopping her from going to work in the morning is the front door Yo mama so fat when she lies on the beach no one else gets sun! Yo mama so fat, she cant float, even in space! But these are not said in a woe is me way but in a light hearted way.
Lindsay Bluth is played by , who, after the first cancellation, revealed her struggle with anorexia.
Yo mama so fat shes on both sides of the family Yo Mama's so fat, it took Thanos two snaps to kill her.
Yo mama so fat that when she passes by the tv, Jesse Pinkman was in and out of rehab 4 times.
To celebrate, he and his dad went to McDonalds for dinner.
Description: There was no coffin at his funeral.